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Thoughts & Inspiration

how to starve fear

  My heart is racing as I write this. It is absolutely NO fun to expose yourself for all you are. But what’s worse is allowing the fear to keep you hidden. Hi. My name is Sarah, and I am…

letting go of the shell you once were

On the night of December 24th–post-church service and pre-cookie binging–I opened a fortune cookie at the Mongolian grill restaurant, expectant of good news. “A loved one will soon call you from a distance.” Naturally, my imagination carried the words away…

you’re messy + i like it

“Can we just talk for a minute about how messy I actually am?” I scribbled across the lined pages, waiting for the wrath of God to pour down on me and to hear the words, “Yep, you’re right. You are…

wishing for magic + getting reality

Truth is, I woke up on January 1st–really late, mind you–and immediately the negativity poured into my brain. I shouldn’t have been surprised; it had happened the day before, though now the year before, but still: it was just a…

i went shopping for my identity

You are going to be ok. Kid, you’re gonna get through this. Regardless of what your heart tells you—your ever racing, changing heart—stand firm on the truths that you know. Let’s back up. What are the truths that you know?…